The bag you want to compare the Speedy to is the Louis Vuitton Neverfull, which has become another House staple. How can you not love this bag? It is lightweight, roomy, and reversible. The strongest point of this bag is its ease of use. The side laces allow you to tighten the bag into a more compact shape or let them out to a full tote size. Either way, the volume of the inside of the bag is vast. And of course, it is reversible, which is a nice touch and not found on many (if any) designer handbags.
It is not that the Louis Vuitton Speedy is not lightweight, but the large and long shoulder straps of the Neverfull will allow you to put this bag over your shoulder with ease and allocate the weight better for carrying. The shoulder straps are long and slender, without any additional chains or weight, which will not have it dig into your body.
The look of the bag is not nearly as iconic as the Speedy, but it is a great, simple, everyday tote. And an everyday tote is an essential for any collection. However, you did just tell me you bought a YSL Muse. The Muse offers a similar shape to the Speedy but looks more like the Neverfull if you have the side pulls cinched. I am having a hard time leaning either way for you. I would suggest deciding if you want a bag that can be worn over your shoulder comfortably or not and which looks strikes you the most. are authorized authentic Louis Vuitton handbags outlet store. All the items at this site are 100% authentic. All Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbags will come with the authenticity card, serial Number, dust bag and care booklet. You will be 100% satisfied when you get such cheap authentic Louis Vuitton Neverfull handbags!